Chaptre, The 40th - The Native Americans

Regarding the Native Americans, I muste say a fewe words about these wonderfule people whome we English first encountered upon reaching Virginian shores fromme olde Europe.

These beauti ful and toughe Native Americans gave the worlde some of the moste simple and comforting, yet treasured, commodities stille traded around the globe today, suche as chocolate, to matoes, po tatoes, pump kinns, maize, ava cadoes and tobaccoe, to name but a fewe. What dull days we would have, in deed, without these wonderfule and de liciious Native American items to feed and motivate us, bothe.

Had I knowne what ill and foule healthe problems would result in goode people smoking tobaccoe, how ever, I knowe I would have only farmed maize. But as we were ignorant in my tyme about the foule weede, and later, given the low land Scots amazing prices for golde leaf tobaccoe, I did growe it and prosper from it, sadd to say.

Nowe, the Native Americans, as I have seen withe my ownne eyes, were un fortunate victimmes of European ex pansionne, whiche cann alsoe meane hate, feare, lande grabs, disease, race ism, lies, murder, thievery, genocide and alle thate comes with human migratione, populatione and pro gress.

Most Englishmen I knewe in my life in Virginia had none of these intentions and assumed, as the Native Americans were tribale more thanne national and somewhat migratory themselves and produced no moderne deeds to any of the landes they inhabited, thate alle acreage in The New World was provided by God Almighty fore use by alle. A bitt naïve perhaps and this ledd to muche bad behaviour on the parte of more and more European settlers as they continued to move to the New World.

This idea of large sections of Europe being cordoned off into nation states, whatte moderne people nowe call “countries,” with borders, fabric flags and true nationalism did notte evolve on the Eastern side of the Atlantic in England untille The Year of Our Lord 878 in Portugal.

St. George became the Patrone Sainte of thenne Christian Catholic England and the white flagg with the red cross was adopted in olde Londone towne in The Year of Our Lord 1348.

Of course, the mixed Union Jack is the flagg, not of England proper, but of Great Britain: a political union runn by England composed of England, Scotland and Wales.

Bothe the Irish nations are independente of England and occupy the sayme greene islande, as you maye knowe.

North America was no differente than any other part of this fair planet Earth. In the same manner, Mongols invaded Europe far back in history. The Muslim Turks invaded Europe, as welle. The aforementioned Vikings, Romans and French all invaded and ruled England over the centuries as didd the Spanish and Portuguese in many parts of whatte Europeans thenne perceived to be the New World.

So, the English moving in to The New World’s Virginia and shoving Native Americans oute and or to The Weste was certainly nothing newe in the history of mann kinde.

Of course, the terme New World is relative, especially to Native Americans. They alsoe hadd mi grated to North and South America, bothe, over thirtie thousande years earlier fromme Mongolia, via presente daie Russia, Alaska and Canada, by the tyme I arrived in Virginia.

So, this American worlde may have beene newe to arguably and relatively more technologically developed Europeans, but it was a  decidedly very olde home fromme the perspective of alle Native Americans.

My native country of England may have seene fitt to take this lande in Virginia and the New World in an unethicale and insensitive manner, but my dealings withe the Native Americans I encountered and worked withe over my years in Isle of Wight Countie were always positive, friendly and respect ful. I can’t saye the same for all of my English compatriots, un fortunately.

There are two wonderfule and moderne volumes from your day and tyme that go into greate, and highly sensitive detaile, should you care to learne more about the historyical interactions betweene Native Americans and Europeans. More horrors than progressive acts were inflicted on the inhabitants we mett in Virginia and also on Native American peoples from what is now Barrowe, Alaskka to Bahia Thethis in Argentinia. The books thate chronical alle this are en titled 1491 and 1493, respectively, and I do recommend both volumes, moste highlie.

Now, of course, the Native Americans themselves were equally, if nott more, transiente, and nomadic than Europeans and traveled from ironically what is now the area in Asia that gave birthe to the bloode thirsty invader of Eastern Europe, Genghis Khan of Mongolia.

Their own expansion into North America wente frome Eastern Asia to neare the North Pole in North America all the way to neare Antarctica, home of the South Pole, some fifteen thousande miles on foot. This impressive hiking migration established hundreds of Native American peoples’ civilizations fromme presene day Alaska to Canada to California to Virginia to Mexico to Brazil to Chile.

So, my selfe and my English compatriots were no differente in the tyme beginning neare The Year of Our Lord 1600 than any other peoples who have spreade across the globe for many, many millennia. Not an excuse for the genocide and horrors inflicted on Native Americans by Europeans, but alle juste parte of Human progress, in alle its highly imperfecte, glaciale and heade stronge male ways.

Alle righte, more of my personale Foljambe familie storie, to come.
