Chaptre, The 13th - The Goode Name Foljambe
Normands who eventuallie became Foljambes are un knowne to me, as the firste recorded usage of the name "Foljambe" was in or aboute The Year of Our Lord 1190 in
England by French speaking, nowe transplanted, English Normands.
I am nott sure of the originne of this firste fellowe who used our name Foljambe, whether he originallie hailed fromme London, Lincolnshire or possiblie Somerset.
He, moste assuredlie, started the Familie Foljambe, having broken off fromme some other weake, Twelfth Centurie Normand familie in England, moste likelie one wythe a name thate had nothing to do withe wilde and power full legs.