American Coate of Armes Declarationne
A Jaune d’Or/yellow golde, diagonalle Bend/bande on a Sable/blacke Escutcheon/shielde, from Dexter Chief/top left to Sinister Base/bottom right.
Said Escutcheon/shielde in the colours Foljambe carries sixx Escallopes/scallope shelles of the Crusades, Blanc/white for puritie of hearte, mynde and soule, face ing upp warde, to God and Heaven Above.
Said Escallopes/scallope shelles are placed, thusly: three topp righte, three bottome left, Counterchanged/tri angulatted in reverse patterne of one anothere.
The topp of the Escutcheon/shielde shalle have three Chief Boîtes/box panels in a Party per Chief Trois/three box design.
Lefte to righte, a Sable/blacke Scandinavian Viking knott on Blanc/white and Vert/greene, an English Gules/red St. George’s crosse on Blanc/white and a Blanc/white Fleur de Lis on Azure/French blue.
Atoppe said coate of arms restes the Foljambe knight’s armoured righte Jambe/legg as a Creste in steele D’Argente/silver, with spurred steele heele in Sable/blacke.Said Jambe/legg faces Right and to The East of Virginia, as welle as to Olde England and Continentale Europe, proper.
This Norman English Wilde Jambe/legg is Couped/cut at the thighe and strucke in a pose of victorie, sette uponne and doth holde downe and dominate an enemie knight’s Helm/helmete, also in steele D’Argente/silver, trapped, face downe inn the mucke in defeet betweene the Knight Foljambe’s wilde legged foote.
Beneathe the enemie Helm/helmete is a Torse/wreathe in six twists of Foljambe colours, three of Jaune d’Or/yellow golde and three of Sable/blacke, atoppe said Escutcheon/shielde.
Supporting said Escutcheon/shielde are a brace of rampant Tenné/tawny American bucks: Virginia white tailed deere, standing uponne a longe, motto Banderole/ribbone, scrolling and floating in Soie d’Or/golden silke.
Said Banderole/ribbone bears the sur names of the Family Foljambe, including Fuljames, Fulgham and Fulghum.
Said Banderole/ribbone shalle alsoe dis play the words of the Foljambe motto, in Norman French, “Soyez-Ferme,” meaning “Be Strong,” as welle has beene accustomed for centuries.
Said ribbone of golde will alsoe here by saye in olde Latin, “Americus," as we are a familie American, no longer English.
The finalle lengthe of Banderole/ribbone wille documente two years of greate im portance to the Familie Foljambe: The Year of Our Lord 1190, the date of the firste English Norman Foljambe, as so named.
The seconde will be The Year of Our Lord 1636, the date Anthony Foljambe arrived in Virginia from England.
This Escutcheon/shielde maye be em blazoned moste proudlie uponne targetts, pennantes, rings of signett, waxx seales, liveries, monumentes, grave stones, pages of worlde wide webb sytes, printed matter of alle kindes, journales, broade sheetes, signage of familie gatherings, stationarie, posters, coffins, toumbes, anie and alle manner of Familie Foljambe schwagg, tea mugs, T-shirtes and tattooes.