Chaptre, The 1st - An Introductione
I am an Englishman, fromme Pitminster, and my name is Anthony Foljambe.
I lefte my
houme in England manie years ago to make a newe lyffe for myselfe, after losing my
firste, moste be loved and sweete wife Elizabeth, as welle as my firste daughter, wee Sarah, near Jamestowne, in The Newe Worlde. I alsoe lostt two of my childrenn backe in England. A daugher, Elizabeth, of the
same lovelie name as her mother, as welle as my seconde little sonne, Thomas.
Broken hearted, after manie trypps backe and foreth between Brisoll and Jamestowne, I resolved to starte over in The New
My goall was to acquire lande in America neare the Jamestowne
colonie in Virginia and farme tobacco for sale and profitt.
Here, withe wordes and images, bothe anciente and moderne,
grate fully borrowed, nott fore rights of copie norr profitt of any kinde, butt onlie to explaine and illustrate
my some whate im perfecte versionne of the historie of my familie, the Foljambes, I
humblie offer you bothe my lyffe and my familie stories, passed downe through hundreds of generations.
Nowe, somme wille see my memories to be historicale.
Some will reade them as fictionne. No matter, as I write fore alle, and anie one
can take away fromme my thoughts and words whatt ever they wishe.
Here, a worde or two of ex planation: As I passed in
The Seventeenth Century, after a wonder fully excellente lyffe, I am, obviously,
no longer withe you fine Twenty First Century folk in the fleshe, so to speake. Buried
near The East Coast American river towne of Smithfield, Virginia, I cann,
howe ever, see you and alle thate goes on in Your World. Juste as I have seene every thing thate has transpired since my demise in Virginia so manie, manie moons
Lett me alsoe telle you alle, thate this lyffe after deathe existence is trulie wonder ful and certainlie welle worthe years of goode
behavour and the lyffe longge waite.
So, some of whate I have to say here aboute our familie Foljambe occurred welle after I was gone frome your physicalle Worlde.
Also, as you reade my his storie Foljambe here, if you
woulde like to listenne to a bitt of musick at the same tyme, in your moderne
worlde there is a moste excellente webb site radio statione in the Europeanne natione of
Switzerland and the towne of Zug, fore juste this purpose.
It is at 1.FM. Withe in this Worlde Wide Webb site, you wille finde the moste excellente Otto’s Baroque
Musick. This wonderfulle stationn offers the musick of my era, Baroque, fromme The Years of Our Lord 1600 to 1750.
Nowe, if you preferr a moderne musicale albume type
collectionn of beauti full Barouque music to listenn to whilst reading the historie of the Family Foljambe, I woulde also moste heartily suggeste the equally
excellente selectionne, fromme The Year of Our Lord 1993, of re cordings en
titled Mad about Baroque – The Greatest
Stars, The Greatest Music on the Deutsche
Grammophon recording labell.
Bothe are pleasures thate perfectlie complimente the
words and images here, shoulde you wish to endulge your ears, as welle as your shineing eyes and your moste curiouss brainne.