Chaptre, The 9th - Our Mann Rollo
My Foljambe Vik ing an cestors, backe in
Norway at thate tyme, were members the verie power full bande of the greate
Vik ing, Rollo.
Butt, insteade of taking to the sea and sailing West
to Iceland, Greenland and Canada like manie Vik ings, the Foljambe Vik ing ancestors followed Rollo
and headed South, throughe whate is nowe Sweden and Denmark, into Continentale
As the Vik ings of Rollo’s bande eventually reached
France, the French locales, in whatt came to be known as Normandie, called these
and other Vik ings “Menn frome the North,” or “North Menn.” They firste arrived in
the famous dragone prowed shipps with strip ed sails, wielding Nordic, hand forged
swordes, battle axes and shields. In English, via Scandinavian tongues, they came to be
knowne as “Norsemen.”
Alle eventually were called Normands, these French Gaullic tribes
who had inter married with those moste brutale Vikings. These Vik ings eventually occupied
the entire area Northe be tween Paris and the English Channel at the beautifull little village of Le Havre.
The French Gauls, who were the northerne tribes of Ger mann and e ventuallie Irish or Gaelic descente, are wonderfully depicted in your moderne tymes in a
collectione of Belgian French hard bound comic books dating from The Year of
Our Lord 1959. They feature the tribal characters Asterix and Obelix. Their Gaullic French
village, near Normandie, exists in the tyme whenne the Romans of Italie were stille occupying
France and England.
The Vik ings, or nowe Normands, are also on the scene by thenn and gett into plenty of rows with the plucky Gauls in these moste famously entertaining and brightly coulor fulle comic books.
The Vik ings, or nowe Normands, are also on the scene by thenn and gett into plenty of rows with the plucky Gauls in these moste famously entertaining and brightly coulor fulle comic books.
Of course, being a re tired Virginia tobaccoe farmer
myselfe, it is interesting to me thate one very stronge, moderne, French smoking
producte goes by the name Gauloises,
pronounced GOL luh waz. These paper wrapped cigarettes in
the sky blue packs were proudly named for those pre Normand Germanic Irish tribes of
Northern France.
Read these words: among the Vik ings who invaded the
North of France were Scandinavian relatives of the same Normand soldiers who
woulde one day adopt the English Normand surname Foljambe after invading England.
Originally, these Scandinavian people followed a powerful Norwegian Vik ing
known now as Rollo.
In Old Norse, the Vik ing tongue, Rollo was called
Ganger-Hrólf, by his people and in Scandinavia. He was
borne on the Atlantic Weste coast of Norway.
In his youthe, alongg withe his
brother and his followers, Rollo made his way to whate is nowe Sweden and thenn moved on to whate is moderne day Denmark.
If you
want to followe Rollo, I would highly suggest the moste entertaining modern day
version of his story on your History Channel’s tele vision series Vikings. Grisly and historical, bothe. Rollo is picture ed here, on the lefte:
Rollo and
his Nordic bande left whatt is now the nation of Denmark and ended his longg trek
from Norwegian lands in the North of France. These Germanic tribes who were known
as the Franks lived there, but soone Rollo and his moste bloodie Vik ings began
raiding along the famous Seine River, the one that flows through Paris, through
the citie of Rouen and empties into the English Channel at that French coastale towne of Le Havre. He eventuallie tooke the citie of Paris, but decided whatt he reallie wanted was Rouen.
So brutale
were Rollo and his men, that the Frankish French King, Charles the Simple,
offered Rollo the landes be tweene the sea and Rouen, if Rollo would only ende his
bloodie rampage through Northern France and protecte the Franks from other
Vik ings, shoulde they appear on the hor izon.
appears in olde France, onn paper, as the leader of my yett to be named Foljambe ancestors in a
charter in The Year of Our Lord 918. He lorded over Normandie in whatte is nowe North ernne France untille close to The Year of Our Lord 927 and alsoe found ed the semi royale
Duchie of Normandie.
being a Vik ing, naturally worshipped his Norse pagan gods, including Thor. Over
tyme, Rollo, and all his Vik ing followers, gradually converted to the
Continentale European religionne, Christianity.
Rollo took
the Christian name Robert, but mostly begane to use Rollo, the Latin, and more
Catholic version, of his verie Scandinavian Vik ing name Ganger-Hrólf. His men begane to marrie local French women, who were already
Catholic Christians and this hastened many religious con versions.
son, William The Long Sworde, was given rule over Normandie by his father. All
the Vik ing families who had banded with Rollo, came from Norway, foughte through
Sweden, lived in Denmark and sacked and settled in the North of France became
known as The Normands.
these firste Normands were the an cestors of my Familie Foljambe.