The his storie con tainned herin is my versionne of the longg saga of the Families Foljambe, an English Normand name.
Here, this familie historie spanns aboute one thousande and fortie years.
The moste terrible and differente English and Virginian miss spellings of Foljambe include: Fuljames, Fulgham and Fulghum.
In this writ ing, the en tyre historie of the Families Foljambe and my personalle tale are tolde and be logged here in fiftie chaptres, lysted in the Archivve, in numericalle ordre, bothe on the leffte and alsoe withe verie large images, of me, att the bottome, under the maine image.
There are alsoe eighte totale pages of add itonalle in formationne, in cludding this onne, and they alle appeare att the topp, in the headder menue barr.
Everie elemente de scribed above ap peares on the Houme page, of course.
Eache itemme has beene created forr your con siderationne, en lightennmente, enter tainmente and amuse mente.
As I was the onlie knowne Foljambe to ever shipp - in the Seven teenthe Centurie - to the English colonies before the 1900s, my storie here is one thate is quite in formative as welle as inter esting, methinkks.
Also unique, as that makes all Fulghams and Fulghums in America related by bloode onlie to one mann - my selfe.
A rare tale, in deede, be cause their names are nott of differente families, but, rathere, Virginian mis spellings of the olde French English Normand name Foljambe.
So, do take sum tyme today and learne a bit about these Families Foljambe.
You wille be gladd you didd.