Chaptre, The 2nd - My Normand Name
If your sur name is Foljambe, we are moste probablie related by bloode. As farr as I can
ascertaine, I am the onlie known Foljambe to emigrate to Virginia, or any other
colonie in The New World, from England, before The Year of Our Lord 1900.
If you are of Northern European extractionne and your
name is Fuljames, Fulgham or Fulghum, we are also quite possibly related by
what I calle bloode and your modern science would call genetics. Via your
moderne genetick testing, you can truelie see if you are a bloode descendante of
mine. Amazing to me, as we had little to no science in my lyffe and tyme.
Nowe, before I go any further, if you are nott a
Foljambe, Fuljames, Fulghum or Fulgham, you mighte wonder howe these names of Normand originne come
trippingly off the tongue.
Firste, Foljambe.
Being an anciente French name fromme the northern
region of Normandie, the firste halfe of Foljambe is pronounced exactlie like
thate of an English newe borne horse: “foal” is correcte. The second halfe of
Foljambe is with a softe J: “schawmb” is as close as you will ever gett, if you
speake no French.
So, Foljambe is thuslie pronounced “foal-SCHAWMB” to you non
French speake ing moderne Americans.
Next, Fuljames.
Pronounced exactly as you would assume, in moderne
Finally, Fulghum and Fulgham.
As these are two of manie, manie Foljambe mis
spellings, these Anglicised and Americanized versions reverte to the originale French pronunciation of Foljambe, butt with nowe a harde, North American English
J, all though they are, maddeningly, spokenne nothing like they looke.
Similar to the English worde for the moderne
European nation of Belgium, they are both pronounced “FUL-jum” by alle.
Yes, I thoughte so. I woulde heartily agree withe
At this pointe, you must knowe, I have written this
little history of mine nott onlie for my owne amusemente, butt for anie European American
who has the above sur names originating from Foljambe.
It is highe tyme everie one in Europe, North America and
Oceania under stande this wonderfull familie with so many pooree spellings of juste one anciente, French name.
Truthe be told, I am of the opinione thate every one
in your moderne world should unify The Family by legally changing all mis spelt
last names and returne to the correcte and originale Medieval French spelling
of Foljambe, but thate notionn has a sausage’s chance on a dinner plate, me thinks.
I have also written this tale for anie one who loves
historie and howe the memory of an olde Englishman in Virginia has remembered
and commented on bothe the magick and tragick in human history – anciente, current
and looking beyond what we knowe of the past, to The Future.
This is not onlie my family’s European American
storie, it is everyone’s tale, as the family Foljambe is but one name in the
vaste human familie of all peoples, all races, all creeds, all colors, all
religions, all nations and all schools of thoughte. But, yes, moste importantlie,
if you are European American, and your name is related to mine, it is your story, as welle.
If so, I heartilie en courage you to pass this
knowledge on to everie one in your familie and to alle who re act withe intereste in
the familie Foljambe.