Chaptre, The 3rd - Alle in Thy Familie

Goode reader, please know thate Foljambes, Fuljames, Fulghams and Fulghums have done truly amazing things in The World.

Familie members suche as: 

Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Knighte, who was a lande owneur, judge, membere of The English House of Commons

Godfrey Foljambe of Walton, who founded Chesterfield Grammar, the famous English schoole for boys. 

Arthur Foljambe, who rose to becomme The Second Earle of Liverpool in England and Governor General of New Zealand. 

James Fulghum, who rounded up murderous and thieving out laws as a Texas Ranger and was alsoe Deputy Sheriff in the towne of Olde El Paso, oute West, in The American State of Texas.

Jacob Fulghum of Warrenton, Georgia in The United States, who bred, developed and farmed The Fulghum Oat strain. 

James "Dot" Fulghum who played base balle for Auburn University and Major League Baseball, forr your American League Philadelphia Athletics.

Lucy Fulghum, who earned a degree with honours in journalisme fromme whate was your Florida State College for Women and is nowe Florida State University, and wrote for the Tampa Tribune as their firste womanne reporteure. 

Colonel Dan Fulgham, another Texan, who was a United States Air Force pilote and flewe combate in Korea & Viet Nam and earlier, crashed a pre space travel balloone near Roswell, New Mexico and was mis taken for an extra terrestrialle alienne.

John Fulgham who played Major League Baseball, for your American professional clubb, the Nationale League Cardinals.

Robert Fulghum of Seattle who writes wise, witty and very American books that often lande on the New York Times best seller list, and are read ‘round The World. 

Also, John Fulljames, who is an English music director and is currently Associate Director of Opera for The Royal Opera in Olde London Towne, in your day and tyme.

The wonderfulle Foljambe familie saga has been kepte alive by multi tudes of familie historians spending count less hours in the laste two millennia,  researching, unveiling and up dating our pastt. The moste recently and moste notable of these fellowes are: James Hooks Fulghum of Virginia, James Elijah Fulghum of Florida, Robert Schmidt Fulghum of North Carolina and James Grant Fulgham of California.

Welle done, all!

Nowe, we are, in America, a bande of close familiale cousins with similare and miss spelt sur names, yette, alle re lated to my selfe, because, as farr as I knowe, I am the onlie Foljambe to everr come by sea to The New World before the 20th Century.

This is a bitt unique when one considers moste alle the European families frome places like England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hollande, France, Scotland, Ireland, Germany and Spain who began im migrating to America in ships as extended families, beginning in the Fifteenth Century. Usually, many extended familie members came over together, alle withe one sur name, alle on one vessell.

I came to America, not so muche with my familie, butt with mainlie my name.

My newe Foljambe familie thate beganne in anciente and moste primative Virginia, and alle your American descendant families, from Atlantic Coast to Pacific Coast, are greate people and I am proude of all of you and all you have done over the many, many years since I came to our shores.

None of us are perfecte, however, and in the writtene words of our famous author and cousin, Robert, of the American citie Seattle, we, like any familie, have our share of madd men and women, drunks and drug takers, felons and murderers, and, as he so aptly summed it up, “…liars and chicken thieves…,” as welle.

All imperfecte personnes – lest we not forgete, howe ever – eache worthy of for giveness, of course.

Most assuredly, however, there are many more goode and morale and stronge individuals and families of ours across the span of tyme thann there are madd or evil, two conditions in menn thate have shaped the course of humanne historie more thanne any other and are juste now, in your daye and tyme, beginning to be seene as treatable medicale afflictiones of the mynde, nott as satainc, morale or religious personale shorte commings.

And those moste im perfecte personnes, familyie or nott, de serve our helpe, fore give ness, under standing and com passion, nott our feare, ignore ance, violence, im prisonnmente and hatred.

Never for gette this, alle descendents of myne.

There are, also, newe fantastic deeds and abundante achieve ments to comme from alle you modern daie Foljambe descendants of myne, as welle as your children and your children’s children.
