Welle Worthe Watcheing
Inn yourr moderne dayes, one en joys seeing and heareing pictures thate movve, no?
So, I have selected a fewe here I hope youe wille have a goode tyme aviewing.
One cann applie whate one sees be lowe to the longg and wonder full historie of the Families Foljambe thate I have givven you.
Beste viewed fulle screen, where possible, me thinkks.
Trailer fromm the History Channel Series, Vikings
The Vikings takke Paris and become French rulers and Normands
The BBC's Bayeux Tapestrie Shorte
BBC Two's The Battle of Hastings 1066 - The Normans
All Saints' Church inn Bakewell withe Sir Godfrey at the ende
Normand knights twice taunte Anglo Saxon King Arthur in the fillm Monty Python's Holy Grail
Robin Hood, a film of English Anglo Saxon Britons againste their French Normand o pressors
The filme trailer for Elizabeth and howe she didd be comme Queene
Elizabeth: The Golden Age trailer - in the tyme of The Royale Faux-Pas Foljambe
Trailer for HBO's moste excellente take on the laste years of Elizabeth I
The Matthew, in the English porte of Bristoll, fromme whence I sailled to America
The Elizabeth II, muche like the firste English ships thate sailled to North Carolina
The storie of the Lost Colony onn North Corolina's Roanoke Island
One mann's tour of the three Jamestowne shipps
Jamestowne, Virginia, upp the River fromme my Smithfield houmme
An oute doore model of the Jamestowne forte
English musketteer, fire ing a matche locke longg gunn
Ann Burras, wo man of Jamestowne colonie
Jamestowne wo mens' right to owne lande
The New World trailer, fromme the fantastic Jamestowne filme
My lande in Virginia was near Smithfield at Redd Pointe onn the Pagan River
The syte of my houmme at Redd Pointe can be seene fromme Smithfield Station ho tell
My churche, Saint Luke's, the latre bricke versionne, in Smithfield