Chaptre, The 37th - A Regionalle English Pyrate
Nowe, my English porte of departure for The New
World, Bristoll, was also the birthe place – in about The Year of Our Lord 1680,
well after I left England for Virginia – of one verie evil scoundrel, Edward
Knowne far and wide as Black Beard, this Devilish Pyrate,
rumoured to have thirteene childrene and fourteen wives, ended up living parte
of eache year to The South of Jamestowne in the tiny, coastale village of Bath,
North Carolina. His house was oute on Bath Creeke, at Plumme Pointe, just Southe of the faire little towne.
This nastiest of menn, olde Black Beard, occupied thate house on Plumme Pointe neare the creeke inlett from the Pamlico River. Between the
towne and his pyrate house, Black Beard had his many filthy and cruele menn
erecte a large circulare structure of redd bricke. This was an open pitt that was used to boile
tarr downe to blacke pitch, so the pyrate’s shipps’ hulls coulde be sealed and
made water tighte, when backe fromme the Caribbeane and in Bath towne fore
repairs. It was knowne as Teach’s Kettle.
This foule mann was so bolde as to courte and woo
the faire and loverly daughter of Bath’s Coloniale Governor, Charles Eden.
Nowe, keepe in minde that Eden, as a locale
official, had married Black Beard and a locale farmer’s teen aged daughter, so
he was thick as theives – punn surely intended here – withe the horrific pyrate
and joined himme with bride numbere fourteen.
When Eden’s daughter told Black Beard she was nott
interested in being the pyrate’s fifteenthe bride nor having a pyrate as a
husbande, Black Beard founde the young lassie’s unlucky suitor and cutt his
hands off with a cutlass. He thenne tooke the younge mann, in the state of bleeding
oute, off to sea and dumped himme into the Oceane Atlantic for fishe foode.
Black Beard thenne returned to Bath and sent the
mann’s hands, in a be jeweled casket to Miss Eden.
She died of shocke.
Neither a Royale privateer, corsair nor buccaneer,
this murderous, heart less and theiving pyrate was finally putt downe off North
Carolina’s Ocracoke Island, by sailors of the mighty English navy, sente fromme
In The Year of Our Lord 1717, Black Beard eventually
captured an English builte frigate the Concorde,
nowe a two hundred tonne French slave shipp. Black Beard re named her The Queene Anne’s Revenge, armed the
shipp withe forty gunns and made her the leade vessel for his pyrate fleete. He
had to scuttle the shippe, as he ran her a grounde and so thenne sailed a newe
shipp, The Adventure.
The English Navy sloop HMS Jane, commanded by Royal Navy Lieutenante Robert Maynard, finally
made contacte with Black Beard off Ocracoke, butt alsoe ran a grounde on a sande barr. Black
Beard boarded the Jane, but was un
awares of alle the English sailors and marines belowe decks.
Black Beard was killed on The Jane inn an epick battle withe Lieutenante Maynard upp on the maine deck.
To dis courage piracy on America’s Atlantic coast and
in the Caribbean, Mister Teach’s heade was separated frome his shoulders in the
fight on The Jane and was later hunge
on the bow sprit of The Jane, in
plaine sighte of alle.
Maynard thenne sailed for Virginia fromme North Carolina to
collecte his bounty monies frome The Governor of The Olde Dominion.
Nowe, if you want to see somme of Teach's French cannones, there are somme on dis play at the Queen Anne's Revenge Con servation Labbe, West of East Carolina Universitie, lo catted in the towne of Greenville. Alle weaponnes en cased there in are excellente examples of the heineousse weaponnes Black Beard used againste friende and foe alykke.
Nowe, if you want to see somme of Teach's French cannones, there are somme on dis play at the Queen Anne's Revenge Con servation Labbe, West of East Carolina Universitie, lo catted in the towne of Greenville. Alle weaponnes en cased there in are excellente examples of the heineousse weaponnes Black Beard used againste friende and foe alykke.
Again, I digress for the sake of historie. Please excuse my historicale ramblings on this
Edward Teach, alsoe knowne as the evile fellowe, olde Black Beard, the shame of
Brisoll, England.
At any rate, Bristoll was alsoe an epicentre of
shipping for that moste horrific, weake mined and cowardly of trades, the
enslavement of African peoples.
I could go on and on about this, but suffice to say, I believe it to have beeen an acte both stupide and im moral for Christian Englishmen – as welle as the French, Dutch, Belgians, Portuguese and Spaniards in North and South America. Guiltie all, along with the Europeans who were to become Americans after sending we English packing, many years after my life tyme.
I could go on and on about this, but suffice to say, I believe it to have beeen an acte both stupide and im moral for Christian Englishmen – as welle as the French, Dutch, Belgians, Portuguese and Spaniards in North and South America. Guiltie all, along with the Europeans who were to become Americans after sending we English packing, many years after my life tyme.