Chaptre, The 18th - The Olde English Foljambe Coate of Arms

The familie Foljambe has, in various similare formes, retained versions of an English Normand familie coate of armes for centuries. 

Coates of armes were a knight's shielde withe added symm bolick emblems for families of the higher, lande owning, sociale classes of olde Europe, usuallie passed downe and in herited from one generation to the nexte.

The basick shielde of the originale English Normand Foljambe familie coate of arms is black withe a golde diagonale bande di viding Six Scallop Shells in to two grouppes of three, bothe lefte and righte.

There cann alsoe be a classic knight’s helmete and the wilde legg of our English Normand name, moste likelie de scribing the original Foljambe's prowesse as a kicker, runner and a dancer. Thate wild legg is most sensiblie covered in shining English armor, of course.

The olde Foljambe coate of arms from anciente England was as I have described above. It alsoe was allowed over The Years, by Royal Decree, the additions of items like a mantle of oake clusters and a golde and black striped circle of fabric rope called a wreathe. At the bottom was a banner, with the family motto in Normand French: Soyez-Ferme, meaning “Be Strong.”

These are the words Foljambes have lived by since The Year of Our Lord 1190.

Animals like tigers and impalas have beene also used on the Foljambe coate of arms, most notably on a strange, Rotherham, England version. A bitt muche, me thinks, given tigers have nott been seen in Europe since the last Ice Age. And they were of the sabre toothed variety, not South Asian Bengals. Also, impalas are African beasts, not English, and have never beene seene in the British Isles.

This is as sillie to me as similare African lions being rendered and used on Twenty First Century nationale foote balle teamm kits’ shields fromme footie madd nations like England, Scot Land and The Nether Lands. 

Dutch speaking Belgian bi cycleing fans in Flanders alsoe oddlie use an African lion as their regionalle sporting symbole.

I believe your modern day American Grid Iron Foot Ball team, the Detroit Lions, also sports this animal, only found in North America in circuses and zoos.

At any rate, after eight hundred five and twentie years, in your Twenty First Century, in The Year of Our Lord 2015, the verie simple and ancient Foljambe coate of arms de signne was re rendered and up dated for purposes of familie uni fication in America.

Olde English coats of armes lawe and English Royale coate of arms rules from The College of Armes have had no sway in The Newe World, especially in the United States, for welle over two hundrede years. So, the newe Foljambe coat of arms for America, in my some whatt proude opinion, is spot on, given my desire for Fuljames, Fulghums and Fulghams to re claim their heritage as true European Foljambes in America and to unify once againe. I would pre fer one and all to adopte our originale, co rectelie spelt and common French Normand name, of course.

But, as this is highly unlikely to happene, the newe coate of arms includes all Foljambes, no matter how they spelle their laste names.

As you may have guessed, I have never considered myselfe a cadette branch Fuljames, an English Fulgham nor an American Fulghum. Fine families and wonderful folk, all.

Just too verie muche of a sillie mess withe all the variouss Foljambe lyke names and moste terrible spellings, me thinks.

Once a Foljambe, always a Foljambe, I say.
