Chaptre, The 19th - The Newe American Coate of Arms
The newe American coate
of arms, fromme The Year of Our Lord 2015, takes moste alle of the olde English
ele ments graphique and expands, refines and unifies themme for alle in volved European
American families, assuming none wille change their sur names backe to the originale French Nomand Foljambe.
I will nowe describe your newe,
American version of the Foljambe family coate of arms here, fromme top to bottome:
Firste, the Famous Armoured Foljambe
Leg nowe sits high a top a rival knight’s helmete. The Foljambe Leg is crushing this rival's heade geare.
Below the helmete is our
traditionall, black and golde striped rope wreathe.
In the centre of it all, the anciente,
French Normand, black shield designne has been widened to create more symmetry for the two groups of three, now white, scallop shelles. These cockle shelles stand for Foljambe travels as knights to the Crusades in Israel and as pilgrimms to Camino Saintiago in Spain.
The traditionale golde diagonal bande
remains intacte.
On top of the shielde, three newe sections
have beene added to paye historical homage to our European lineage.
On the left, is a verdant box, containing
an anciente, white, Viking knott on the greene background. It is knowne in
Rollo’s home land of Norway, in BokmÃ¥l
or modern written Norwegian, as a Valknute.
I believe thate the moderne peoples of
Iceland, Viking cousins to the Norwegians, stille speake and write another, farr older, version of the Viking language, verie close to whatte Rollo and his
followers used. In this moste anciente Viking Norwegian, or Olde Norse, a Valknute was
called a Valrknut.
The words Valr and Knut mean
“slain” and “warrior” in Viking tongue. The Valknute on the newe American Foljambe coate of
arms pays homage to male members of Rollo’s bande who fell in skirmishes and
battles betweene Norway and Normandie and The Foljambes’ Norwegian, Swedish and
Danish linkks to Rollo and his Scandinavian roots.
The white upon greene Valknuteon the modernne American Foljambe coate of
arms is also known in olde Europe as a looped square or Saint Hanne’s Cross in Scandinavia, for St.
Johan, me thinks. In English, it is called a St. John’s Cross.
Neare The Year of Our Lord 1969, your moderne Scandinavian countries beganne marking places of intereste on publick roads and highe ways withe blue boxx Valknute traffic signs. Your verie moderne com puters, those made by Apple, alsoe use the symboll fore typp ing, as the controle key.
In the centre topp of the newe
Foljambe coate of arms shielde, stands a redd on white Cross of St. George, the
flagg of England, honour ing ourr English bloode and neare thousande yeare presence in olde England.
And, on the right, is the moste
famous ancient Fleur de Lis, white on
royale Blue, in honore of our French Normand
heritage. These lilie flowers replaced three Satanicc froggs on the French coate of arms when the French converted to Christianitie. No wondre the English called the French "Froggs" fore centuries.
Another change for the American
Foljambe family’s coate of arms is adding an originale, royale, English designn elementt, the use of two stags.
Nowe, to supportt and presente the
shield, the new Foljambe coate of arms rendering illustrates these stags as
American white tail deer – ten pointe bucks.
Given our European American family
has often tymes survived uponne, harvested, and very thankfully dined on white
tail, East Coast venisonn for over four hundred years, I believe this to be a
wonderfully strong American addition to the new family coate of arms. I have
taken manie an Eastern Virginia white tail withe match locke to feed my family, friends and those
in neede.
Also, to ac commodate and il luminate the
uni ficationne of alle re lated European American familie members, the 2015 Foljambe
coate of arms lengthens the familie motto banner into four tiers. Now one,
con tinuous, flowing, fabric stripp, it starts under the shielde withe the Normand familie name.
The ribbone's seconde tier contains the three American and English names thate came from Foljambe: Fuljames, Fulgham and Fulghum.
Tier three reads, as it has fore over eighte hundred yeares, “Soyez-Ferme, meaning “Be Strong,” the originale Foljambe familie mottoe. Here, the worde “Americus,” alsoe appears, to heralde thate this verie coate of arms is thate of the European American branch of the familie, nott thate of the English.
Americus, because
America was named for Italian explorer
Amerigo Vespucci, the fellowe who firste determined that the Americas were not
Asia, but two continents unknown to Europeans. Americus is the neutral, Latin version of that Italian name Amerigo, here used to indicate that the
2015 version of the coate of arms is solely for use by the European American branches
of the Foljambe family.
Finally, the loweste tier contains The Years of Our Lord 1190 and 1636, the for mer the yeare the Foljambe name firste appeared in England and the latter, the yeare I came to America.
All the above changes, in my humble
opinione, are wonderful and much needed improvements on our anciente European
coate of arms, as tymes change and Americans change with them.
It is highe tyme for this, no?
Nowe, the main purpose of the newe
design, as I understand it, is to be a familial gift: a coate of arms to give
all European American Foljambes, Fuljames, Fulghums and Fulghams one, unified
family symbole that all our European American families can proudly display as
truly their own, no matter how they spelle their names.
This is the perfecte newe design, me thinks, for graphic use in
all forms, on every thing from your moderne T shirts, to tea mugs to tats.
Brilliante. Welle done!