Chaptre, The 50th - In Closeing
Finally, I have taken enoughe of your precious tyme here and I wille nowe close and buttone up my storie.
A poet, play write and scribe from roughly the same daye and tyme as Olde Captain Hercules Foljambe, one William Shakespeare, once penned and best summed up my opinione, belowe, aboute names, including mine, the anciente familie name, Foljambe.
So, here I bidd you, one and alle, a fonde adieu, saye God Speede, fare thee well to alle and I wishe bothe you and yours muche goode healthe withe muche, muche happiness, as welle.
Manie humble thankks fore alle your tyme and intereste in
this some whatt longg windded personale and moste imperfecte historie of me and my English Normand familie - Foljambe.
And to all Foljambes, Fuljames, Fulghams and
Fulghums, untill we meete againe in Heavene above, do remember these words of thate afore mentioned English bard, one William Shakespeare:
in a name? That which we call a rose
any other name would smell as sweet.” –