Chaptre, The 45th - Where History Meets Fiction
Before I go on here beyonde my
owne deathe, let me say to you thate regarding alle this Foljambe family history
intertwined with English and very early American history, do not take my every
worde as soothe.
Better yet, I woulde, immediately after finishing withe my ramblings here, reade for your self histories that are available to you, as welle as the afore mentioned little booke on English history, Now I Remember, All the English History You’ll Ever Need!. Wonder full, as the cover of this booke is graced with a moste anciente Bakewell knight, righte there on the cover.
Does he looke familiar to you? Do you knowe his firste and his familie name? You shoulde. If not, make
it your business to finde oute.
Any way, as
soone as you have finished thate wonder ful wee English written worke, I would
then immediately pick up the lateste version of Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American
History Textbook Got Wrong, the moste true and correcte worke
ever written about American history and plowe through it with greate haste and fierce
Foljambe family passione. Thenn, and only thenn, can you forme your own truly
objective opinion about all I have written here.
So, kind ley see the nexte additione to
this saga Foljambe.