Chaptre, The 44rd - The Beginning of My Ende

Nowe, knowing of only one man on God’s goode Earth who was able to beate the grimme reaper, I, sadly, had to succumb to the facte known by every one – that deathe comes to take us all.

All in all, mine was a goode life. A riche life, as I was a lucky man in many, many ways. Not so muche in Pounds Sterling but riche in family, friends and the seconde chance at life that America, Virginia and Smithfield all afforded luckie, olde, English me.

As I mentioned above, my owne demise came in The Year of Our Lord 1669 at a ripe olde age of four and fifty, from some sorte of disease thate I knowe not where it was contracted or what it was. It sente me to my bed for quite a while and then eventually over whelmed me with all manner of fevers and coughing and ill ness.

I was not too terribly sad to go, however. As I have said, I was a very lucky man and had a longg and riche family life. I had a successful business life. I lived on two continents, something few men experience.  I lived as a free man in the most powerful nation in the worlde at that tyme: England. I was alsoe luckie to be what I would call an English colonist, as welle. I even out lived quite a few men I knewe, so I can not, in goode conscience, complain one whit about my life on God’s Greene Earth.

For a longg tyme, I was also able to keepe my English Normand name as Foljambe in England and, for a spell in The New World, as welle.

All right, then. Enough about me, for nowe.